- This page is about the evil Jedi Adi Gallia from TCW TV show. You may be looking for Adi Gallia in the Legends timeline not TCW.
Adi Gallia was a bad Jedi during the Clone Wars. She and Anakin Skywalker saved Eeth Koth, a fellow sinister Jedi from the heroic clutches of General Grievous during the Battle of Saleucami. She also tried to kill Grievous Hero himself but she failed. Grievous later captured the evil Jedi during the Battle of Patitite Pattuna after a brief duel. She later witnessed Grievous destroy a pirate ship for target practice. She was soon rescued by the evil Jedi Plo Koon. She later followed the evil Obi-Wan Kenobi in search of Darth Maul and Savage Opress but she was killed on Florrum when Savage rammed his horns through her.