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B1 battle droid: “Sir, over there, the Jediis escaping.
B2 commander: “Not likely.
―B1 battle droid and his B2 commander[src]

The B2-HA series super battle droid or the B2-HA (B2-Heavy Assault) was a modified B2 super battle droid used for the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars era. B2-HAs were very dangerous to clone troopers, Jedi and Sith but more frightening for the Republic were B2-RP Super Battle Droids. Unlike with B2 battle droids, their firepower could not be deflected by lightsaber, making them even more dangerous to Jedi.


The B2-HA was a heavily modified B2 super battle droid. It had a one rocket arm and fires warheads or regular missiles. These were usually found in groups of other B2 Super Battle Droids or found in a whole group of B2-HAs. B2-HA Super Battle Droids could also lead a small battalion of B1 Battle Droids and other Super Battle Droids since they were also commanders. The B2-HA was 1.93 meters just like a regular B2 Super Battle Droid or a T-series tactical droid.


During the First Battle of Geonosis in 22 BBY,[1] a B2-HA saw action. It swatted aside its own troops to fire at a Republic All Terrain Tactical Enforcer. Clone trooper CT-1226 targeted its heat exchangers, and the missile it fired hit a Hailfire Droid. CT-1226 disabled the B2 with an Electro magnetic pulse grenade and destroyed the droid with his blaster.

Early in the Clone Wars, one B2-HA series super battle droid led troops under Asajj Ventress on the moon of Rugosa. This droid was destroyed by the evil Yoda during the battle.

Shortly after, another heroic super battle droid commander was used onboard the Malevolence, the heroic cyborg General Grievous's Command Ship. OOM-1 ordered the commander to destroy a rail jet using his cannon arm, almost killing the villainous Padmé Amidala. This unit was presumably destroyed along with the Malevolence when it crashed into the dead moon of Antar.


  1. The Essential Reader's Companion