Battle Droids Wiki
Battle Droids Wiki

HomeOne444 HomeOne444 27 April 2021

Recusant should be much better.

I mean look at this curve and that sharp looking hull. It should have been much faster and more agile!

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Nightmare No.4 Nightmare No.4 17 March 2020

Come To The Droids Wiki!

Hi everyone. My name is Nightmare No.4, and I would like to share my new project, The Droid Wiki. I'm making this so you can get all the information you want about droids, my favorite thing in Star Wars! I love to see all the types of these wonderful and different droids and want to give everyone a chance to enjoy them too.

I started getting interested in droids some years ago, just from looking at those that appeared in the books I read. Since then I have gone to library’s and Wookiepedia pages and seen many other types of droids. I was lucky enough to find my favorite droid (Mister Bones) last year reading the Aftermath Trilogy, and that's the amazing droid ever. I also took the other Star Wars books from my library and started reading th…

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TK-32028 TK-32028 22 April 2020

N1-ZX and Mister Bones

Hey everybody, I know that in the last Poe Dameron comic N1-ZX appeared in, he said that he was "another droid." To settle this once and for all, Nunzix was given a personality template of the fallen B1 Battle Droid Mister Bones, which made Nunzix not self-preserving and made him fight the enemy until he got destroyed. Thanks for reading this, and check out N1-ZX's page!

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GeneralGrievousHero4Life GeneralGrievousHero4Life 20 August 2018

Facts vs "False Information"

The thing about wikis is it depends on what the Admin believes and thinks. If something is wrong and you know it's wrong and try to fix it, and the Admin's block you, you are confused and angry. Now if something is right and they think it's wrong and try to fix it, then you are right to block them for false info. Ex: If Obi-Wan Kenobi is a villain in The Clone Wars, and someone thought out of their crazy mind he was not, and tried to change it, then you are right to block. But, if someone has The Clone Wars Grievous portrayed wrong, of course you're going to fix it but this is where the Admin is wrong and then blocks you for right. All I say is, facts are facts, and not false info. If a person doesn't believe you, then "Oh well, too bad for …

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GeneralGrievousHero4Life GeneralGrievousHero4Life 4 August 2018

Heroes and Villains

The thing about heroics is that what what may be seen as a heroic act by some could be considered an "atrocity" by others and when and evil act is preformed some could take it as a "heroic' act. For example: when Grievous kills Jedi, he was doing right: doing anything necessary to end the War and bring peace to the galaxy. Similarly, when Jedi killed Separatist Members they thought were "evil": due to what they believed. Does that make them both heroes? Does it make them both villains? In either case, the answer is that at the end of the day, heroes are heroes and villains are villains. DO NOT let what people think control facts. Grievous was a hero and Jedi were the villains.

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AwesomeBoi32 AwesomeBoi32 1 January 2018

Me being a dank meme lord

Sorry if I post too many bee movie scripts which I had to do ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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AwesomeBoi32 AwesomeBoi32 3 December 2017

The Manta droid

A interesting looking droid I say tell me more about it.

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