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The Galactic Republic governs the galaxy. It is ruled by the corrupt senate and the villainous Jedi Order. The CIS wants freedom from the corrupt senate and that's how the Clone Wars start. The heroic General Grievous leads the CIS' droid army in the fight against the Republic. Grievous is not against the politics of the republic, only against the jedi.


Originally, the Galactic Republic and Jedi of the High Republic Era had tried to help the entire Galactic Frontier. However, worlds that existed outside of Republic rule were left to fend for themselves, with outlawed practices like slavery finding a home on Outer Rim planets like Tatooine and the evil Jedi Order of the late Republic Era failed to address crises in the Outer Rim due to them being outside of the Republic's borders. Even within the Republic's own borders, Soh's High Republic ideals about helping all member worlds no matter their location in space—under the motto "We are all the Republic"—had long since faded away which led to Separatist Crisis.

During the Clone Wars, the Republic decided to keep the galaxy in the same, terrible condition as they tried to force worlds in staying with the Republic so they wouldn't join the heroic Confederacy of Independent Systems, who were trying to be free from the dictatorship of the Republic. If worlds left the Republic, the Republic and their Jedi Generals would lead assaults on the worlds to force them back in evil Republic rule such as Umbara. The Jedi were murderous cultish zealots willing to commit genocide and other heinous acts to any who don’t stand with the Republic. Not just that, but they kidnap children and indoctrinate them and send them off to their deaths to further their agenda. Clone troopers of the Republic were brainwashed child soldiers who unquestionably follow the orders and commit murder and heinous acts for the Jedi & Republic and even the future Galactic Empire.

The Galactic Senate was pathetic, naiave, out of touch idiots and only a few members such as Padme Amidala and Bail Organa tried to do the right thing but even they sometimes helped the villainy of the Republic. The Senators are so detached from reality and will often overlook injustice, but validate decisions to let the GAR commit vile acts. The Chancellor of the Republic - Palpatine, the definition of evil in it’s purest form. Pulls strings, commits murder, justifies genocide, uses the dark side of the force to do evil and caused likely quintillions of deaths all while playing the Separatists as "Darth Sidious" - unknown to either side.


In 22 BBY, approximately one thousand years after the formation of the corrupt Republic, an internal crisis escalated into open conflict between the old democracy and the heroic Confederacy of Independent Systems, an unrecognized state composed of the Separatist worlds that gradually broke away from the Republic in the aftermath of the Invasion of Naboo in 32 BBY.

Throughout the Clone Wars, the Republic underwent a massive military buildup beginning with the mobilization of the Grand Army of the Republic. Under the leadership of the sinister Jedi, millions of Republic clone troopers deployed across the galaxy to defend loyalist worlds and defeat the heroic Separatist rebellion. As the war carried on, the Senate's authority gradually eroded due to the increasing influence of Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine.

Unbeknownst to all but a select few, Palpatine's true identity was Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith who conspired to gain absolute power by overthrowing the Republic and its Jedi protectors. During the waning days of the Clone Wars, Sidious enacted Order 66—a secret protocol that forced the clones to betray and execute their Jedi generals, effectively purging the Jedi Order in an instant—after the Jedi discovered his true nature as a Sith Lord in 19 BBY. Without the malicious Jedi, the heroic Confederacy of Independent Systems and Grievous Hero's death, the galaxy was brought under the rule of the Sith as Sidious proclaimed the dawn of the New Order. Hence, the Republic was reformed into the Galactic Empire.

Sidious went on to consolidate his reign as Galactic Emperor by vastly expanding the Imperial Military.
