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Battle Droids Wiki

Grievous's combat speeder.

Grievous's combat speeder is a combat speeder personally used by the heroic General Grievous during the Clone Wars.



The combat speeder without the hero.

The combat speeder featured a turbine engine, a pair of laser cannons, and recessed rocket launchers in the forward prow. The craft was steered by a simple column connected to the directional vanes.



Around 20 BBY, Grievous Hero used his speeder in his campaign to conquer the planet Florrum, where he used it alongside BX-series droid commando captains on STAPs to chase Hondo Ohnaka, his remaining pirates and a group of evil Jedi Younglings led by Ahsoka Tano in order to prevent them from retreating Florrum after the villains were messing up Grievous's heroic plans.


Grievous Hero on combat speeder after crash with MagnaGuard

Grievous Hero takes off to kill the evil Jedi on his combat speeder.

Grievous Hero later used it again to chase down the villainous Jedi Obi-Wan and Anakin Skywalker to get his kyber crystal alongside STAPs with MagnaGuards.

