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The Invisible Hand shortened to the Hand was a modified Providence-class dreadnaught and the flagship of Grievous Hero. Grievous used it during the Clone Wars, during late skirmishes as his main flagship. As the new flagship of the Supreme Martial Commander of the Separatist Droid Armies, it also served as the flagship for the Confederacy of Independent Systems.


Manufactured and Weapons[]

The Invisible Hand is manufactured by Quarren exiles from the Mon Calamari world of Dac as part of the Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corps along with Pammant Docks at an underground factory on Pammant.

While lacking the Malevolence's sheer firepower and armor, the ship is covered with powerful weapon emplacements, including Quad turbolaser turrets, Dual Laser Cannons, Ion Cannons, Point-defense Ion Cannons, proton torpedo tubes and Flak cannons. Each shot from the point-defense ion cannons releases as much heat as a 4.8 megaton bomb, while the maximum yield of one of the quad turbolasers is equivalent to a magnitude 10 groundquake. The Invisible Hand also has a Boarding Chute so they can board other warships such as Venator-class Star Destroyers.


Invisible Hand Bridge

The Invisible Hand's Bridge.

The Invisible Hand's Bridge is located in the front just like Munificent-class star frigates and Recusant-class light destroyers. The Invisible Hand's Bridge set-up is different than a regular Providence-class dreadnaught. It has 17 control pads for 17 OOM Pilot Droids to control. On the top section, 6 OOM Pilot Droids stationed on each side of the chair, middle section, 8 OOM Pilots on each side, and the bottom section, 3 OOM Pilots in the front controlling the Invisible Hand. This makes the Invisible Hand's bridge more easy to move around at the bottom section without all of the chairs like a regular Providence-class carrier/destroyer.


Vulture Droids

Vulture Droids crawling on Invisible Hand

The Invisible Hand's complement is the same as any other Providence-class carrier/destroyer. It carries 120 Vulture Droids, 120 Droid Tri-Fighters, 10-30 Hyena-class bombers, 8 C-9979 Landing Crafts and Sheathipede-class transport shuttles, 160 Multi-Troop Transports, and 280 Droid Tanks. The hangar bay, Bay One, is expanded to fit more droids, tanks, and Droid Fighter Clips for Droid Fighters.

Modifications to the 2nd Bridge[]

The Invisible Hand's 2nd Control Bridge is actually Count Dooku's Wizard's Tower. The Wizard's Tower doesn't have OOM Security Battle Droids manning it. It has a General's Quarters and more of a viewport than a 2nd Control Bridge. Though the Wizard's Tower does have elite B2 Super Battle Droids guarding it.


After losing the Malevolence, in the Battle of the Kaliida Nebula, Grievous took the Invisible Hand as his new flagship but the hero never used the ship as he was still in Munificent-class star frigates, Recusants, other Providence-class Dreadnaughts & even a DH-Omni Support Vessel at one point.

Against the Shadow Collective[]

Invisible Hand (TCW)

The heroic Grievous finally used it during the campaign against the Shadow Collective.

Outer Rim Campaigns[]

Grievous Hero season 7 heroes TCW

Grievous Hero during the Outer Rim Sieges.

Towards the end of the Clone Wars, Grievous used the Invisible Hand in several skirmishes including one skirmish where he was seen onboard his starship.

Battle of Coruscant[]

Grievous was eventually ordered to attack the Galactic Republic's capital, the Core World of Coruscant. During the battle, Grievous captured Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine and brought him to the warship. However, evil Jedi Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker boarded the vessel to rescue Palpatine, and Skywalker killed Count Dooku (secretly the Sith Lord Darth Tyranus), who had been holding the Chancellor hostage. Unbeknownst to them, the entire event had been orchestrated by Palpatine, who was secretly Darth Sidious. The group was captured and escorted to the bridge of the Invisible Hand, where they were confronted by Grievous. Grievous intended to slay them, but ultimately could only escape, attempting to sabotage the ship and jettisoning the vessel's escape pods and eventually being picked up by the Profusion. Skywalker was able to land the vessel on Coruscant, though it suffered catastrophic damage and would likely never fly again.

