- 08
- 09
- 0D31
- 0D31/Legends
- 126
- 13th Strike Wing
- 1M-G Battle Droid
- 224
- 224/Legends
- 2C-TA Commander
- 3B3-1204
- 3B3-20
- 3B3-21
- 3B3-888
- 5TE
- 631 model B1-series battle droid
- 631 model B1 Battle Droid
- 685
- 685/Legends
- 88th Flight
- 88th Flight/Legends
- A-DSD Advanced Dwarf Spider Droid
- AAT driver battle droid
- AAT driver battle droid/Legends
- AD-W4
- AQ-series battle droid
- Adi Gallia
- Adi Gallia/Legends
- Adi Gallia (TCW)
- Admiral
- Admiral/Legends
- Ahsoka Tano
- Ahsoka Tano/Legends
- Aito Laff
- Akiva droid factory
- Alliance to Restore the Republic
- Alliance to Restore the Republic/Legends
- Ambush on Rugosa
- Anakin Skywalker
- Anakin Skywalker/Legends
- Anakin Skywalker (TCW)
- Anti-Jedi facts
- Anti-Jedi facts/Legends
- Aq Vetina
- Aqua Droid
- Arkay-Nine
- Armored Assault Tank
- Armored Assault Tank Mk I
- Aruteous Gunnay
- Asajj Ventress
- Asajj Ventress/Legends
- Asajj Ventress (TCW)
- Assault B1 Battle Droid
- Attack Formation Echo-3
- Attack on Aq Vetina
- Attack on Obi-Wan's Fleet
- Attack on Obi-Wan's Fleet/Legends
- Aut-O
- Aut-O's Flagship
- Aut-O's Flagship/Legends
- Aut-O/Legends
- B-14961138815
- B-2A
- B-2B
- B-series battle droids
- B-series battle droids/Legends
- B1
- B1's B2-series super battle droid battalion
- B1-0516
- B1-268
- B1-CC14
- B1-series battle droid
- B1-series battle droid/Gallery
- B1-series melee battle droid
- B1-series rocket battle droid
- B1 battle droid
- B1 battle droid/Gallery
- B1 battle droid captain
- B1 battle droid captain/Legends
- B1 battle droid lieutenant
- B1 battle droid lieutenant/Legends
- B1 grapple droid
- B1 grapple droid/Legends
- B1 recon droid
- B1 rocket launcher droid
- B1 supervisor droid
- B2-ACM Trooper
- B2-HA Super Battle Droid
- B2-HA series super battle droid
- B2-RP Super Battle Droid
- B2-RP Super Battle Droid/Legends
- B2-series super battle droid
- B2 grapple droid
- B2 grapple droid/Legends
- B2 super battle droid
- B2 super rocket trooper
- B3 Ultra Battle Droid
- B3 battle droid
- BBQ droid
- BD-15959
- BD-34
- BL-17
- BL-series Battle Legionnaire
- BX-2R
- BX-series droid commando
- BX-series droid commando/Legends
- BX-series droid commando (Battlefront)
- BX-series droid commando (Cad Bane)
- BX-series droid commando (Separatist Senate)
- BX-series droid commando captain
- BX-series droid commando captain/Legends
- Baktoid Armor Workshop
- Baktoid Armor Workshop/Legends
- Baktoid Combat Automata
- Baktoid Combat Automata/Legends
- Basilisk war droid
- Basilisk war droid/Legends
- Battle Droid Assassin
- Battle Droids Wiki
- Battle at the Grassy Plains/Legends
- Battle droid
- Battle droid/Legends
- Battle droid 513
- Battle droid 513/Legends
- Battle for Anaxes
- Battle formation
- Battle formation/Legends
- Battle near Dorin
- Battle near the Arda system
- Battle of Abregado
- Battle of Abregado/Legends
- Battle of Bothawui
- Battle of Bothawui/Legends
- Battle of Caliban
- Battle of Christophsis
- Battle of Christophsis/Legends
- Battle of Coruscant
- Battle of Coruscant/Legends
- Battle of Dathomir
- Battle of Dathomir/Legends
- Battle of Dorin
- Battle of Hypori
- Battle of Hypori/Legends
- Battle of Kamino
- Battle of Krant
- Battle of Mustafar
- Battle of Patitite Pattuna
- Battle of Patitite Pattuna/Legends
- Battle of Quell
- Battle of Ryloth
- Battle of Ryloth/Legends
- Battle of Saleucami
- Battle of Saleucami/Legends
- Battle of Scipio
- Battle of Sullust
- Battle of Sullust/Legends
- Battle of Teth
- Battle of Teth/Legends
- Battle of Thule
- Battle of Umbara
- Battle of Umbara/Legends
- Battle of Utapau
- Battle of Utapau/Legends
- Battle of the Kaliida Nebula
- Battle of the Kaliida Nebula/Legends
- Battle of the Phu system
- Battle of the Ryndellia system
- Battle of the Ryndellia system/Legends
- Battlecruiser 17
- Battlecruiser 17/Legends
- Battlecruiser 19
- Battlecruiser 19/Legends
- Battlesphere
- Battlesphere/Legends
- Beetu Deetu
- Belbullab-22 heavy starfighter
- Belbullab-22 starfighter
- Ben Kenobi
- Ben Kenobi/Legends
- Berch Teller's warship
- Black Sun Commando Droid
- Blockade of Christophsis
- Blockade of Christophsis/Legends
- Blockade of Ryloth
- Blockade of Ryloth/Legends
- Blue-Tark
- Bodyguard/Legends
- Bothawui
- Buzz Droid
- Buzz Droid/Legends
- C-3PO
- C-3PO/Legends
- C-3PO Battle Droid (Head)
- C-3PO Battle Droid (Head)/Legends
- C-9969 Landing Craft
- C-9979 Landing Craft
- C-9979 Landing Craft/Legends
- C-B3
- C-B3 cortosis battle droid
- CIS Armed Forces
- CIS Shadowfeed
- CIS Starfighters
- CIS mobile command center/Legends
- Cad Bane
- Cad Bane's Munificent-class star frigate
- Cad Bane's Munificent-class star frigate/Legends
- Cad Bane/Legends
- Campaign against the Shadow Collective
- Canon
- Capture of Eeth Koth
- Carbonite war droid
- Carida Incident
- Carida incident
- Carrier
- Carrier/Legends
- Central Control Computer
- Citadel BX-series droid commando
- Class Type B Escort Shuttle
- Cleaver
- Clone Wars
- Clone Wars/Legends
- Clone trooper
- Clone trooper/Legends
- Colicoid Creation Nest
- Colicoid Creation Nest/Legends
- Colicoid Swarm
- Combat speeder
- Combat speeder/Legends
- Command Ship
- Command Ship/Legends
- Commander
- Commander/Legends
- Commerce Guild
- Commerce Guild/Legends
- Confederacy military
- Confederacy of Independent Systems
- Confederacy of Independent Systems/Legends
- Confederacy of Independent Systems (Battlefront)
- Confederacy of Independent Systems Navy
- Confederate Navy
- Confederate infantry prototype
- Coppertop
- Corporate Alliance
- Corporate Alliance/Legends
- Corporate Alliance Tank Droid
- Corporate Alliance Tank Droid/Legends
- Cortosis B2 super battle droid
- Coruscant
- Coruscant/Legends
- Count Dooku
- Count Dooku/Legends
- Crew of the Malevolence
- Crew of the Malevolence/Legends
- Crucitorn
- Cyborg
- Cyborg/Legends
- D-L1T
- D1-series aerial battle droid
- DH-Omni Support Vessel
- DSD1-Dwarf Spider Droid
- DSD1-Dwarf Spider Droid/Legends
- DT-series sentry droid
- Darth Maul
- Darth Maul/Legends
- Darth Maul (TCW)
- Darth Sidious
- Darth Vader
- Darth Vader/Legends
- Defoliator
- Defoliator Deployment Tank
- Defoliator Deployment Tank/Legends
- Dek-Nil
- Deliver Us From Jedi Evil
- Dellso's Providence-class carrier/destroyer
- Desix Separatist holdout
- Destroyer
- Destroyer/Legends
- Devastation
- Discord missile
- Discord missile/Legends
- Doctor
- Dooku's Munificent-class star frigate
- Dooku's Munificent-class star frigate/Legends
- Dooku's Providence-class Dreadnaught
- Dooku's Providence-class carrier/destroyer
- Dreadnaught
- Dreadnaught/Legends
- Drill-spike
- Driver battle droid
- Driver battle droid/Legends
- Droch-class boarding ship
- Droch-class boarding ship/Legends
- Droid
- Droid/Legends
- Droid Factory
- Droid Factory/Legends
- Droid Fighter Clip
- Droid Fighter Clip/Legends
- Droid Fighters
- Droid Fighters/Legends
- Droid Marine
- Droid Tank
- Droid Tank/Legends
- Droid Tri-Fighter
- Droid Tri-Fighter/Legends
- Droid commando personal shield
- Droid worker
- Droideka
- Droideka/Legends
- Droideka Alpha
- Droideka Beta
- Droideka Delta
- Droideka Mark II
- Droideka Sentinel
- Droideka Sharpshooter
- Dual Laser Cannon Bridge Protector
- Dual Laser Cannon Bridge Protector/Legends
- Durge
- Durge/Legends
- E-5 Blaster rifle
- E-5 Blaster rifle/Legends
- E3-VE3
- E4 baron droid
- EG-07
- EG-5 Jedi Hunter droid
- EG droid
- EV-A4-D
- EV-A4-D/Legends
- Eeth Koth
- Eeth Koth/Legends
- Eighty-One
- Electrostaff
- Electrostaff/Legends
- Escort Flight
- Evil
- Evil Has Its Eyes On You
- Evil laugh
- Fame Drimal
- Feminine programming
- Feminine programming/Legends
- Fighting for your Independence
- Firefighter battle droid
- Firefighter battle droid/Legends
- First Battle of Geonosis