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Po Nudo

Po Nudo

Po Nudo was a male Ualaq Aqualish who represented his homeworld of Ando in the Galactic Republic's Senate around the time that the Trade Federation invaded the planet Naboo. Ten years later, he attended a secret meeting on the planet Geonosis where he and several other senators gave their support to the Sith Lord Count Dooku and left the Republic to form the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Shortly after the meeting the Republic arrived and the First Battle of Geonosis broke out, marking the start of the Clone Wars between the Republic and the Separatists and forcing Nudo to flee the planet.

During the war the Aqualish senator withdrew from the Republic and sat on the Separatist Council. He was assigned to be the manager of the Hyper-Communications Cartel, which served as an alternative to the Republic-controlled HoloNet. In the later stages of the war, Nudo and the rest of the council were hidden on the planet Utapau being protected by the cyborg General Grievous. Following the Battle of Coruscant and the death of Dooku, Grievous informed the council that he had been ordered to move them to another world, but during the meeting the Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi interrupted and attacked Grievous, starting the Battle of Utapau during which the council fled and were relocated to the volcanic world of Mustafar. Once the Clone Wars drew to a close, Darth Sidious—who had secretly been the true leader of the Separatists all along as well as Supreme Chancellor of the Republic—sent his new apprentice Darth Vader to Mustafar where he killed all of the Separatist council including Nudo.

Decades later, Nudo was mentioned as having been a notable Aqualish in Species From A to Z, a survival compendium written by Carson Teva during the New Republic Era.
