Star Wars: The Clone Wars is an animated television series that began with a feature film of the same name on August 15, 2008 before debuting with its first season on October 3 on Cartoon Network. Set between the events of Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones and Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, the series was initially a continuation of the Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003) series. However, due to many changes in this new universe of the Clone Wars vs the Star Wars Legends timeline due to biased director Dave Filoni, Star Wars: The Clone Wars was a new series overall. The series aired on Cartoon Network for five seasons, while an abridged sixth season was released through Netflix. The 7th season was released on Disney+ ending the series. The show is biased towards the Jedi villains making them and the Galactic Republic look like "heroes" and Grievous & Confederacy of Independent Systems look like "villains" when it is not true as the Jedi & Republic are villains and Grievous & The Separatists are heroes and it's a fact in Canon.
Differences Between the Clone Wars Shows
Star Wars: The Clone Wars, had recurring characters from the original Clone Wars show such as Asajj Ventress and Anakin Skywalker. They were often many changes to show. Including heroes and villains and for the Confederacy of Independent Systems will be listed here:
- General Grievous-formerly a villain in the original CW cartoon and movie but George Lucas changed him into a hero in TCW cartoon.
- B1 Battle Droids-voice change, similar to Episode 3´s voice
- B2 Super Battle Droid-voice change
- Vulture Droid-pain change from brown to blue
- All Trade Federation craft painted blue
- Jedi are Bad in this one as were previously.