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T-series military strategic analysis and tactics droids, also referred to as simply T-series tactical droids, tactical droids and T-1s, and initially designated as CDE-T, were droids that worked on tactical warfare, for the Separatists during the Clone Wars era. These droids were smarter than OOM command battle droids but lacked speed. Some Tactical Droids carried E-5 Blaster rifles when leading ground attacks while others don't have any. Later on, tactical droids got replaced by ST-series super tactical droids later on during the war.

Known Units[]


Clone Wars[]

T-series tactical droids served an important advisory role among the forces of the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars against the evil Galactic Republic. Highly intelligent, they were often given full authority over Separatist military elements by their commanding officers. The droids were utilized in many early battles of the war including the Battle of Christophsis and acted as both commanders of the Separatist Droid Army and the Confederacy navy. In 22 BBY, at least three T-series tactical droids were used by the Separatists during the Christophsis campaign. TI-99 served heroic Harch Admiral Trench aboard his flagship, the Invincible, and fortified the Separatist blockade above the planet. Additionally, TJ-55 and his battalion of droids thwarted a Republic ambush in the capital city of Chaleydonia and another T-1 served under the command of Commander Asajj Ventress.

During the Battle of Ryloth, TX-20 demonstrated the T-series' capacity for ruthlessness, in the Separatist defense of the city of Nabat. Using the city's population as living shields against the Republic's clone troopers, he forced the Republic forces to enter Nabat without explosive devices. Ultimately however, TX-20's arrogance blinded him and he underestimated evil Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi and his own Twi'lek prisoners, which consequently cost him his life. TA-175 also served the Separatists during the Ryloth campaign and acted as Emir Wat Tambor's adviser after TX-20's destruction. From his headquarters in Ryloth's capital city of Lessu, he recognized the threat of the Republic presence on the planet. When Count Dooku ordered Tambor to withdraw from Ryloth, TA-175 was eager to obey the Sith Lord. He eventually subverted Tambor's command when forces led by Mace Windu and Cham Syndulla attacked the capital, and left the emir to be captured by the Republic.

Heroic T-1 droid TF-1726 led an assault on evil Jedi General Aayla Secura's fleet during the Battle of Quell. His forces destroyed the Aayla's flagship forcing the villainous Republic to retreat. The heroic General Grievous's T-1 droid TV-94 oversaw the sinister Jedi Eeth Koth's captive during the Battle of Saleucami. However, the heroic droid was destroyed by the evil Anakin and the heroic Grievous retreated but won the battle.

Eventually, a T-series tactical droid was a prisoner in the Republic Center for Military Operations.

In response to their inflexibility, the new ST-series military strategic analysis and tactics droid model was introduced as an improved successor to the T-1s during the war's later stages. These new droids were larger, more resistant to damage and even considered themselves superior to their organic counterparts. The T-series continued to see use in the war despite the super tactical droid's introduction, as several served during the Battle of Anaxes in 19 BBY. One such droid reported directly to Admiral Trench, who led the Separatists' campaign there.

Age of the Empire[]

In the final hours of the Clone Wars, the newly christened Sith Lord Darth Vader sent a message to the Trade Federation on behalf of Darth Sidious, which called for the deactivation of the Separatist Droid Army and consequently all T-series models. With the rise of the Galactic Empire, the tactical intel accumulated by T-series droids became highly valuable to many factions attempting to combat the clone troopers who constituted much of the newly-formed Imperial Military. Trace and Rafa Martez were part of one such group and were sent to retrieve a T-series tactical droid from a decommissioning facility in Coronet City on Corellia. Clone Force 99 was also hired to accomplish the same feat for a monetary reward by the Trandoshan Cid, a former Jedi informant during the Clone Wars. The two groups confronted one another at the facility, when the Martez sisters acquired the head of the last remaining T1 before the Bad Batch could retrieve it. Encircled by Imperial Police Droids, the competing factions were forced to work together to survive. The Bad Batch's technician, Tech, was able to access the T1's program via a data rod, transmitting an activation signal to other battle droids in the facility in order to utilise them as reinforcements. During the group's ensuing escape, the tactical droid's head was destroyed, however Tech had copied its intel onto the data rod while accessing its program. The squad's sergeant, Hunter, decided to give the intel to the Martez sisters, as he believed it would serve a better purpose with them.

Former Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano obtained the head of a T-1 at some point in time. During the Imperial Era, Tano became an integral part of the Phoenix rebel cell. In 4 BBY, she gave the T-series head to the Spectres to aid them in their search for her friend, former Clone Captain Rex, on the planet Seelos. The Spectres were able to feed the head power, at which point it scanned for a signal while simultaneously listing a set of numbers over and over again: 7567. Unbeknownst to the Spectres, the numbers were a reference to Captain Rex's former clone trooper designation and shortly thereafter, the Spectres homed in on a modified AT-TE, the source of the signal and Rex's new home. Ultimately, the few surviving T-series units that were still actively used became part of the Rebel officer corps.


  • T-series military strategic analysis and tactics droids, much like General Grievous, Osi Sobeck & Trench, are heroes portrayed as "villains" in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Tactical droids were portrayed as the "villain" of the episode who could go against the Jedi so-called "heroes" when they really just were heroic antagonists of each episode.