Battle Droids Wiki

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Battle Droids Wiki

"Boy, this is a lot more fun when they're not shooting back."
"I still can't seem to hit anything...
―A fellow droid talking to this one.

A Driver battle droid was stationed on the bridge of the Separatist Subjugator-class heavy cruiser, the Malevolence, under command of the heroic Grievous. In 22 BBY, this droid participated in the Battle of Abregado and later in the Battle of the Ryndellia system, where he was destroyed by Grievous Hero out of displeasure for his dumb performance, and was replaced with another droid.

Crew of the Malevolence Members[]

Crew of the Malevolence

Heroic General Grievous · Count Dooku · OOM-1

Driver Battle Droids

Droids on the Bridge

Stationed Droids
Flight Crew